Arrows & Warriors…

Good morning!!  I have the coolest thing to share with you all today concerning this new normal… Today starts a new school year for us and many changes are taking place inside what used to be our normal school day…

Nathaniel is a senior this year, can’t even believe how fast that happened!!  He also starts college level classes this year at our local college here in town (just 10 minutes from our house, makes this momma’s heart happy).  As we’ve been preparing for him to start college, there have been many emotions; excited, nervous, anxious, trepidation, and elation.  WOW, and that was just one day!!  Haha…

As the day has approached, we have gathered books, looked over maps, cleaned out backpacks, re-packed backpacks, and prayed…  AND let me just tell you, that prayer part- God is so faithful!!  This morning as I woke to realize my alarm had not been set to be up before Nathaniel left, I scurried to my feet to prepare to send him off into the big scary world God reminded me of a passage of scripture and a mandate He had placed within me twelve years ago and I just have to share it with you all!! Yes, I know I probably over us exclamations marks, but I can’t help it, I’m excited!!

In Psalms 127:4 God tells us that children are like arrows in the hands of a mighty warrior.  That alone is pretty powerful, but coupled with what else He had to say to me today, I’m overwhelmed with delight!!  As I began to meditate on this passage, God reminded me of the assignment He placed within me, the driving force, when I began homeschooling our kids…  Nathaniel was halfway through his kindergarten year of school and I began to feel a pull to homeschool and in seeking God for His purpose in that call He told me that I was to “create warriors for Him.”  Are you seeing where I’m going??

This morning, God reminded me that children are like arrows and then He reminded me that my assignment was to create warriors for Him….  So this morning when I wanted to hang on tight to Nathaniel, God said, “It’s time to load him in that bow and let that arrow soar!”  You see, over the years, we have shaped this arrow, molded the arrow, sharpened the arrow, and now came the day to release the arrow….  Ok, so I may be crying now…  

When I hugged Nathaniel and sent him off on his new adventure I shared with him what God had shared with me, reassuring him that God is with Him.  Just like all the previous years we sat together and read, shared, and grew, God was preparing him for this moment of release.

With any new season comes some trepidation, some uncertainty, but God is there.  He’s ready to direct our path, even our new ones.  It’s not just this moment, He’s been orchestrating this from the beginning of time.  Your new moment has been in the works.  Reflect on where you are headed.  Maybe you aren’t’ releasing arrows today, maybe you are starting a new job, or making life changes, or maybe today looks like it’s full of challenges, get the mind of Christ over your situation.  Armor up!! Meet your new season with authority and reassurance that you were created for such a time as this…  Walk in your promises… Meditate on the word of God…  Increase your faith…  Even in what looks like failure to us God is working for our good.

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